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M E N A R C H E   C E R E M O N  Y

online & in person to remember the initiation of the first blood

Men meaning moon, Arkhe meaning beginning, our first moon blood.

An invitation to reclaim and remember the first bleed. 

It's said that when a girl gets her first blood, this is her initiation into her power. The way she experiences this meeting of her power will imprint on everything she creates in her life; her se.xual experiences and inevitably the stance she takes on being a woman.

This important Rite of Passage is a way of reclaiming and reweaving our own herstory, and experience of being woman.

Our ceremonies are two hours long (longer if required), include prayers, song, cacao, guided ritual, sharing, movement practice & a birth grounding ceremony as well as the menarche rites. These are private spaces you call for yourself & your womben. We are deeply honoured to hold space for this remembrance. 

In person within Cornwall ~ Minimum £166 up to 3 people or £45/person - group of 4+

Online ~  Minimum £111 up to 3 people or £30/person - group of 4+

In person outside Cornwall ~ Minimum £166 up to 3 people or £45/person - group of 4+ plus travel costs

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